Search Algorithms and Techniques for Data Experts

Dheeraj Inampudi
4 min readApr 6, 2024


As data professionals, we frequently find ourselves at the crossroads of data and accessibility. Efficient search algorithms are an important component in making data more accessible and usable. In this article, we’ll study different kinds of search technologies, their applications, and industry-specific use cases. Think of this as an introduction — the first step toward understanding the different search tools we have access to.

Understanding 4 Most Used Search Types

  1. Full-Text Search: Imagine you have a giant book, and you’re looking for a specific word or phrase. Full-text search is like using a magic highlighter that lights up every time that exact word or phrase appears in the book. It doesn’t care about the meaning, just the exact words.
  2. Semantic Search: Now, imagine you’re not just looking for a specific word, but you also care about the meaning behind it. Semantic search is like having a smart assistant who reads the book and understands what the words mean. So, if you’re looking for “happy,” it might also show you places where the book talks about “joy” or “cheerful.”
  3. Vector Search: This one’s a bit trickier. Think of every word or phrase as a tiny dot in a huge galaxy. Words that mean similar things are closer together. Vector search maps out where each word is in this galaxy and finds the best matches based on how close the dots are to each other. It’s like finding friends in a big playground based on who likes the same games as you.
  4. Lexical Search: This is like the classic game of “Scrabble.” It focuses on the structure and form of the words themselves, not so much on their meaning. It’s like looking for words that match exactly or are very similar in how they are spelled or written.

Comparative Table View

Python Snippets to Illustrate Search Types

Let’s take a glimpse at how these searches might look in Python:

# Full-Text Search Example
import re
text = "Exploring the universe of AI and ML."
search_term = "universe"
result = re.findall(search_term, text)

# Semantic Search Example (using spaCy)
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("The cat sat on the mat.")
for token in doc:
print(token.text, token.has_vector, token.vector_norm, token.is_oov)

# Vector Search Example (using scikit-learn)
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
docs = ["AI advancements", "The future of ML"]
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer()
tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(docs)

# Lexical Search Example
text = "Artificial intelligence in healthcare"
search_pattern = r"\bA[a-z]*"
matches = re.findall(search_pattern, text)

Some Example Industry-Specific Applications

  • Full-Text Search: Legal and academic research databases heavily rely on full-text search for document retrieval.
  • Semantic Search: In customer service, semantic search powers AI-driven support systems to understand and respond to user queries.
  • Vector Search: E-commerce platforms use vector search for product recommendations and similarity searches.
  • Lexical Search: Publishing and content creation industries employ lexical search for proofreading and editorial assistance.

Other Search Types to consider

  1. Fuzzy Search: This is like having a friend who’s good at guessing. Even if you misspell a word or are not exact, fuzzy search tries to figure out what you mean. It’s helpful if you’re not sure how to spell something.
  2. Proximity Search: Imagine you’re looking for two words that are close to each other on a page. Proximity search finds words that are near each other. For example, searching “apple” NEAR “pie” would find pages where “apple” and “pie” are not far apart in the text.
  3. Faceted Search: This is like sorting a big box of Legos into smaller boxes based on color, size, or shape. Faceted search lets you refine your search results by filtering them through different categories.


This article is a starting point into the vast world of search technology; it is an introduction. I didn’t set out to provide exhaustive knowledge but rather to lay the groundwork for these ideas by way of analogies and instances. More advanced uses and ways to put these search technologies to use in actual production settings will be covered in subsequent articles. We have only just begun to explore the possibilities; experts in AI and ML have a vast ocean of search technologies at their fingertips.

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Dheeraj Inampudi

Talks about AI & ML Engineering, Data Science, AWS and SaaS